Do you know where the police checkpoint is? We know! Please drive carefully and respect traffic regulations! Reckless driving puts you and all other traffic participants in danger. Our application serves exclusively as a way to share information between the drivers and does not help, support and encourage anyone to escape rules, to drink and drive.

Notify me

 Notify me when the police checkpoint is nearby less than 2km...(soon)

 Notify me when the speed camera is nearby less than 2km...(test phase)


     Active checkpoints

     Last reported checkpoints

     Possible checkpoints

     All reported checkpoints

     Car accidents

     Traffic jams

     Closed road

     Speed limit camera

About Us

Our application serves exclusively as a way to share information between the drivers and does not help, support and encourage anyone to escape rules, to drink and drive. Please drive carefully and respect traffic regulations! Reckless driving puts you and all other traffic participants in danger.

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